Artist Entrepreneur Residency, DC

Artist Residency in Washington, DC government's Creative Affairs Office


Artist Resident, Washington, DC

I'm excited to share that I won an Artist Residency from the Washington, DC govt. Creative Affairs Office: 202Creates Residency Program.

I pitched my hitherto work as a writer, actor and filmmaker and presented my future vision as an artist entrepreneur in areas of film, TV and arts agency.

This "Residency" runs for several months where I'll be exposed to:
  • Artist entrepreneur mentors who'll provide one-on-one coaching
  • Fellow Resident artists from all areas of the arts to collaborate with
  • An entrepreneurship curriculum 
  • Practical advice on my future artistic business I'm launching, Artful Citizen:
    • TV pilot script with several episodes; a satire on the DC power structure
    • A film company that sustains itself with creative and artistic branded content, that's part of ...
    • ... an arts agency to help artists (fine & performance) find patrons from business & cultural organisations 
If you're a charity or business looking to see how the arts can help your staff and brand thrive, contact me here:  Or learn more here:

Regards, John


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